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Commission Years: 1978-2003

In 1977 I moved to Utah and began taking art commissions that came from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They commissioned me to paint portraits of general authorities, illustrations of aspects of church service,

a major mural depicting the continuation of family life from an eternal perspective and many genre scenes depicting people living their faith. I spent close to 25 years working with the church on various projects.

During these years I also continued to paint landscapes, still-lifes, genre scenes and portraits of individuals, family groups, and business leaders for general sale.

A feature of exploration in the 1990s was experimenting with combining realistically painted images into surrealistic scenes. I called these paintings “interpretive-allegorical.”

Spencer W. Kimball

Old Testament Prophet

Moses and the Brazen Serpent

Joseph Smith Speaking by Inspiration


The Altar




A Rose Repeated






Howard W. Hunter


The Eternal Family Through Christ


The Light Behind


The Masses Are Yearning